Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Does money buy you success?

With recent figures published for what clubs in Europe have spent this summer the debate about buying success is topical again.  This has been an on-going debate for years in many countries like Spain where Real Madrid have been known to accumulate huge debts to bring in the best players.  In the premiership this craze started mainly thanks to the Roman Abramovich era at Chelsea and now we have Man City spending extravagantly.  Football is probably the best example of money trying to buy success in sport but we will also look at another perspective on money buying success in sport. 

In 2009 Castrol (I know the fuel company!) brought out statistics to show that teams who spend money get success.  Castrol believed that Man City’s £124 million spending spree in 2009 should have guaranteed them a top 3 finish, however they finished 5th.  Even last year when they spent again they still only finished 3rd.  They have again spent this year and have started well however Man Utd did beat them in the charity shield, which could be an omen for the rest of the year.  So did Castrol get it completely wrong! 

Well not entirely: Castrol do a strong case for spending money and getting success with their next points.  In the four seasons previous to 2009 clubs in the European leagues who spent more improved on previous positions while those who spent less each year went backwards.  In previous years Castrol also have facts to support that the team who spends the most wins the league especially in Spain and France.  Is this all coincidental or is this theory true?

In my opinion successful clubs obviously have more money to spend, so the more they succeed the more they can spend to stay successful.  Man Utd are the perfect example of this as they don’t spend as extravagantly as Man City but they do spend large enough amounts to ensure success each year.  However Utd became successful through an ambitious and fearless manager who trusted his youth and changed the culture of the club. 

These aspects are more important than money, as you need a team to gel and understand the overall objectives and aims of the club.  Clubs like Man City can buy the best players but 11 individuals never win anything and that is why I think if Utd keep their values and buy smart (players who can fit into these) then they will remain successful (my money is on them this year again!!!). 

To prove this Real Madrid have spent more than anyone else in the last decade but yet have not won much recently.  Barcelona with their strong tradition and culture stand in their way and although they have spent money as well these last few seasons there starting team is full of players who came through the academy. 

Looking at money buying success in a different way in terms of sport is those from wealthy backgrounds vs. those from poorer backgrounds.  You see people would automatically assume those from wealthier backgrounds should do better as they are in the advantageous position of being able to afford good trainers, equipment and so forth.  However boxing is one sport which disproves this assumption.  Most legendary boxers have come from a poorer background.  One of the reasons they are successful is that they want to become wealthier so money drives them on.  However I think what holds them in good stead is that they learn how to fight for everything while growing up and obtain skills such as determination, hard work, courage and bravery through this.  There are many sports where we come across Cinderella stories which prove that money is not needed for success but hard work, determination, natural ability, commitment and courage are. 

I think these factors are more important than money and I think, going back to Man Utd, this is one of the reasons Sir Alex makes his players think they are working class. 

There is the point that those clubs spending huge sums of money are destroying the tradition of the leagues and sports they are in and are in an unfair position.  Well I will just say I’m glad there is no money in GAA as it keeps the value and tradition of the sport and leaves everyone on a level playing field.  I do think also that those teams who don’t try to buy success would enjoy it more than those who do.       

I will conclude by saying like in life money in sport can only buy you so much, but to be successful requires all the aforementioned attributes.       

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